Never before has there been such an effective means of ridding the chest of unsightly lines. Dr. Alana Rowick and her team at Vice Aesthetics can provide you with the right advice and assistance to begin using Décolleté pads to improve chest wrinkles. Feel free to make a booking at our Perth or Albany clinics.
[toggle title_open=”About Décolleté Pads” title_closed=”About Décolleté Pads” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]If you are self conscious about wearing a pretty blouse with an open neckline, a beautiful necklace or a stunning swimming costume due to unsightly wrinkles in your once fabulous décolletage? Then Décolleté pads are the answer for you.
The Decollette Pad was invented by twice Emmy award winning Hollywood make-up artist Camille Calvet. Camille realized that whilst there were many products available to combat lines on the face, there was a noticeable gap in the chest area (décolletage) where wrinkles form as a result of lying on the side when sleeping, sun damage, ageing & gravity.
The pads were developed after seeing first hand how silicone had healing properties on scar tissue. They prevent chest muscles and skin from forming creases while sleeping, as well as smoothing existing wrinkles while awake.
The Decollette Pad is made of 100% medical grade silicone and is typically placed on the chest at night and removed in the morning however it can be used at any time of the day. It is so very comfortable that it is unnoticeable when applied.
The Pad is a non-invasive means of repairing chest lines & does not contain latex, urethanes or adhesives and is a safer and amazingly economical alternative to other more invasive procedures.
The Pads last between 30-60 days depending on the frequency of use and should be cleaned with warm soapy water after the first or second time it has been used and occasionally thereafter in order to remove a build-up of skin cells. Once dry, the plastic protective backing sheet should be replaced to prevent the breakdown of the silicone adhesive.[/toggle]
Purchase Decollette pads at our online store
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